Monday, September 21, 2009

Back from Horror Realm!

What a whirlwind tour! Lots of driving, but the good part was meeting all the fine folks at Permuted, many of them for the first time!

Of course, hanging out with old friends like Kyle and Dr Pus is what one looks forward to the most, and never disappoints.

The reading panel was great. People seem really into VALLEY OF THE DEAD and I'm gonna read from that at the next couple cons, I think, since it went so well.

Didn't sell nearly as many as I did in Toronto, however: I still think the economy is so bad down here that people are much more reluctant to part with money than our Canadian friends! So let's clean this place up and get back on track! (Because I just got my first Iona check of the new year - and going over the numbers, calculating that it should've gone up because I went back to full time this year, and got a minute cost of living increase, I now see that it actually had a "negative increase" - the take home went down, since the cost of benefits [mostly health insurance, thank you Republicans and Blue dogs!!!] went up so much.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doc it was so great to meet you at Horror Realm! Valley of the Dead is at the top of my wife's and I list of books to purchase as soon as it hits the shelves!

Thanks so much for coming!

Ben Kotz

3:47 PM  

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