Friday, November 27, 2009
All the dishes turned out GREAT (even the much maligned turkey breast). Some of the best batches I've made, including the gravy (which I always have some trouble with). The whole process was made MUCH more difficult by my decision to do canning on top of everything else. I'd bought 3 quarts of tiny garlic heads a LONG time ago, and they needed to be pickled and canned. I'd been putting it off, because I suspected how long it would take to peel several hundred cloves of garlic - A F'IN LONG TIME THAT IS! Whew! I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome from so much pinching and cutting and peeling. All that for about 3 pints of pickled garlic. They better be pretty darned good. I guess I'll open the first jar at Christmas and find out!

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