Tuesday, August 21, 2007
That's right, gentle readers: D2L2 - Life Sentence is DONE! Finished! Wrapped up! Loose ends tied! And wow, what an emotional roller coaster to write. I keep telling you - not the bloodbath of the first, but some great characters doing some great things with a lot of emotion. I'm very proud of it. It's pretty much exactly the kind of story I envisioned myself writing, when I went back to writing fiction last year - a poignant, humane story of regular people in bizarre, violent circumstances. Now, it is your responsibility to clamor for it. Clamor, I say, CLAMOR!!

Given their usual turnaround, we're looking at spring 08.
Well, I know from last time that things can be fast-tracked, so we'll see what he's got going on. But even early 08 isn't bad turnaround.
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