Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Valley of the Dead
Permuted's noodling around with all their fab technology, so the electronic editions of VALLEY OF THE DEAD are actually available BEFORE the regular TPB!
If you read your zombie books on KINDLE, here's that edition for sale!
If you read your zombie books on SONY READER, here's that edition for sale!
Enjoy! Let me know what you think!!
If you read your zombie books on KINDLE, here's that edition for sale!
If you read your zombie books on SONY READER, here's that edition for sale!
Enjoy! Let me know what you think!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Last Days of March Zombie Madness!
Only a few more days to buy DYING TO LIVE before it goes out of print, in preparation for its rerelease in October in a new Pocket Books / Permuted edition! If owning my first novel is not incentive enough, please remember the contest running until March 31!
Buy DYING TO LIVE in the month of March - perfect for Easter baskets, or reading on Passover, or while relaxing as the daffodils bloom around you!
Send proof of purchase to
At the end of the month, one lucky winner will get the complete Kim Paffenroth zombie miscellany collection:
SHROUD magazine #5 with my story, "Buddha in the Box" (signed or personalized)
THIN THEM OUT - chapbook co-authored with Julia and RJ Sevin (signed by all three of us)
ORPHEUS AND THE PEARL - original edition (signed or personalized)
Good luck!
Buy DYING TO LIVE in the month of March - perfect for Easter baskets, or reading on Passover, or while relaxing as the daffodils bloom around you!
Send proof of purchase to
At the end of the month, one lucky winner will get the complete Kim Paffenroth zombie miscellany collection:
SHROUD magazine #5 with my story, "Buddha in the Box" (signed or personalized)
THIN THEM OUT - chapbook co-authored with Julia and RJ Sevin (signed by all three of us)
ORPHEUS AND THE PEARL - original edition (signed or personalized)
Good luck!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
God Bless St Monica, and the US of A!
Not really because of the health care reform (which is nice and all, but wasn't what I was thinking of this afternoon).
St Augustine tells us his mom used to engage in the North African practice of memorializing the dead by going to the cemetery with a picnic basket and having a meal there. (He tells the story to extol her obedience, as she stops the practice when the bishop asks her to, but that's another story.) I always though that sounded like the coolest way to honor and commune with the dead (they are, after all, now members of the Church Triumphant, while we still toil in the Church Militant), so for the last couple years, I've been going to my grandparents' grave with a sandwich and a bag of chips and spending a nice few minutes there. (Don't tell my wife - she'd be appalled. She does her own Catholic thing with the kneeling and praying at graveside [candle lighting if they have them available], but eating in a cemetery would strike her as simultaneously the most blasphemous and nauseating thing humanly possible.)
But today I had an especially nice feeling there, chewing and looking out at the misty cold hillside, as I thought how I was eating an Italian sub, made by a Chinese lady at the deli, while I was sitting six feet above my German ancestors. Only in America. Got me feeling a little patriotic, on top of that ars moriendi feeling I kind of like.
St Augustine tells us his mom used to engage in the North African practice of memorializing the dead by going to the cemetery with a picnic basket and having a meal there. (He tells the story to extol her obedience, as she stops the practice when the bishop asks her to, but that's another story.) I always though that sounded like the coolest way to honor and commune with the dead (they are, after all, now members of the Church Triumphant, while we still toil in the Church Militant), so for the last couple years, I've been going to my grandparents' grave with a sandwich and a bag of chips and spending a nice few minutes there. (Don't tell my wife - she'd be appalled. She does her own Catholic thing with the kneeling and praying at graveside [candle lighting if they have them available], but eating in a cemetery would strike her as simultaneously the most blasphemous and nauseating thing humanly possible.)
But today I had an especially nice feeling there, chewing and looking out at the misty cold hillside, as I thought how I was eating an Italian sub, made by a Chinese lady at the deli, while I was sitting six feet above my German ancestors. Only in America. Got me feeling a little patriotic, on top of that ars moriendi feeling I kind of like.
New Edition of D2L!
Is up for preorder HERE AT AMAZON!
Let's get those numbers up there, peeps! (But, seriously, it's gonna be a while - I'll remind you all closer to the release date, don't worry!)
Let's get those numbers up there, peeps! (But, seriously, it's gonna be a while - I'll remind you all closer to the release date, don't worry!)
Great Review
Of GOTLD, from a more Christian perspective. Thanks!
Check out the review over at a blog nearly as quirky as this one - RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH.
Check out the review over at a blog nearly as quirky as this one - RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Long series of trips. The MAR-AAR/SBL in New Brunswick, NJ. Then up to Nova Scotia to give a talk at St Francis Xavier University. Then down to Newark, NJ to see some of the folks from Dawn of the Dead. Met Gary Klar for the first time - what a great guy! He was so enthralled when I showed him GOTLD. Then up to Rye, NY, for Lunacon, where I was on panels all day yesterday. Then finally back home here!
Friday, March 19, 2010
I've been in Nova Scotia for a couple days. I gave a talk at STFX University on Wednesday night. Barring disaster, I'll fly back this afternoon, stop by the Saturday Nightmares con to see the folks and maybe get an autograph if the lines aren't too long, then end up at Lunacon this evening, with a bunch of panels there tomorrow!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Absolutely, Positively Last Edits!
On VALLEY OF THE DEAD! Whatever else you think of it (and I certainly hope you think it's the best zombie tale you've ever read - I'll at least vouch it's the best I've ever personally written) - this is one tidy, error-free manuscript! Thanks to Jacob at Permuted for such thoroughness!
Monday, March 08, 2010
Huge Announcement!

Well, zombie-wise it is! I've been sitting on this for a while, 'til JJA announced it himself, but now the full TOC of his TLD2 has been announced - and there's humble me! Now that's some august zombie company to be in, and I'm thrilled!
Check out the full TOC here in JJA's announcement! I'm so excited!!
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Dante: Not Just a Zombie Fighter~!

But a lover - of God, of women, of Beauty, of Truth!
I'm writing a review of this book. It's a nice little examination of Dante. If you're into the Florentine, and you don't mind a few nods toward conservative Catholic morality and piety, I think you'd enjoy it.
EDIT: I only just learned that Ralph died a few weeks ago. Well, this is a fitting remembrance of his life and work. (If the name sounds familiar, most people remember him for his Father Dowling mysteries, but he wrote lots of theology, too.)
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Friday, March 05, 2010
Let's Sweeten the Deal
Buy DYING TO LIVE in the month of March - perfect for Easter baskets!
Send proof of purchase to
At the end of the month, one lucky winner will get the complete Kim Paffenroth zombie miscellany collection:
SHROUD magazine #5 with my story, "Buddha in the Box" (signed or personalized)
THIN THEM OUT - chapbook co-authored with Julia and RJ Sevin (signed by all three of us)
ORPHEUS AND THE PEARL - original edition (signed or personalized)
Good luck!
Send proof of purchase to
At the end of the month, one lucky winner will get the complete Kim Paffenroth zombie miscellany collection:
SHROUD magazine #5 with my story, "Buddha in the Box" (signed or personalized)
THIN THEM OUT - chapbook co-authored with Julia and RJ Sevin (signed by all three of us)
ORPHEUS AND THE PEARL - original edition (signed or personalized)
Good luck!
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Ugly Americans
Ugly Americans | Mar 17, 10:30pm / 9:30c | |||
Preview Clips | ||||
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Dave Dunwoody's EMPIRE is due out MARCH 16 in its Pocket Books / Permuted edition. Dave's a great and humble guy I've corresponded with before, but I had the pleasure of finally meeting him last fall at Horror Realm. I think you'll like his novel, so please bop over to Amazon and pre-order!
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Humans vs. Zombies
New craze sweeping campuses, such as the one at University of Missouri!
(Thanks to the awesome professor Elizabeth Rambo of Campbell University for the tip! She's one of those rare, hardworking profs, and has a penchant for Buffy~!)
(Thanks to the awesome professor Elizabeth Rambo of Campbell University for the tip! She's one of those rare, hardworking profs, and has a penchant for Buffy~!)
New Blog
Trying a new blogging project with my mostly online friend Matt Cardin - check it out over at Cousin Bub's BBQ!
I don't know what, if anything, will come of it or if we'll end up contributing to it regularly, but I think we just got tired of our thrice yearly three page threads on Shocklines, where we'd talk about God and stuff and use words like "ontological" and "theodicy" and no one else would contribute, except the occasional wag to say s/he didn't know what we were talking about.
Matt's a great guy, one of the smartest people I know, and about the only smart person I know who can still have a coherent (if wordy) and passionate discussion about what interests him.
I don't know what, if anything, will come of it or if we'll end up contributing to it regularly, but I think we just got tired of our thrice yearly three page threads on Shocklines, where we'd talk about God and stuff and use words like "ontological" and "theodicy" and no one else would contribute, except the occasional wag to say s/he didn't know what we were talking about.
Matt's a great guy, one of the smartest people I know, and about the only smart person I know who can still have a coherent (if wordy) and passionate discussion about what interests him.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Climate Refugees
That's what we were for the last few days. It snowed 2.5 FEET by our house on Thursday - Friday. I had food in the house, didn't think anything more of it. Until the lights went out on Thursday night. Still didn't worry. They stayed off, however, until late this morning. That was a difficult couple days!